
My name

My birth name is Brendan Dill, and I used this name personally and professionally until May 2015, when I married Dee Dee de Kenessey and took her last name as my own. de Kenessey is a great name, but is apt to cause citation errors. Here's some clarification.

How to alphabetize 'de Kenessey': ignore the 'de'. 'de Kenessey' should be listed under K, e.g. between 'Kant' and 'Kripke'. (That’s where I belong, right?). See Kai von Fintel's excellent guide to alphabetizing prefixes like 'von' and 'de' in BibTex.

How to cite papers published under Brendan Dill: In the text, cite the paper under 'de Kenessey,' as in (de Kenessey and Darwall 2014). In the bibliography, alphabetize under 'de Kenessey' and include a note indicating the name the article was originally published under, e.g. "Originally published under the name Brendan Dill."


I am unreasonably fond of my two cats, Figaro and Rosie:

Figaro (ferocious monster)

Figaro (ferocious monster)

Rosie (alien bug)

Rosie (alien bug)